THREE: Protect Your Rights
Many states have very short time periods for you to pursue your claims for compensation resulting from someone else’s negligence. Hiring a lawyer helps ensure your rights are protected and all the time limits are carefully watched. You often have many rights from your own insurance policies that your insurance company may not want you to know about. A lawyer is there to watch your back and make sure you get what you deserve from the one who injured you as well as form your own insurance company.
Did You Know?
In the United States more than 85% of cases settle before going to trial.
FOUR: Free Up Your Time
Pursing a personal injury claim is time consuming. If you really want to maximize your recovery you have to order your medical records, write detailed demand letters, and argue with insurance adjustors who spend all day trying to get people to settle for less than they deserve. Sometimes you may have multiple phone calls from the insurance company in just one day. In the case of auto accident related injuries you not only have to deal with the bad driver’s insurance com-any, but you also have to deal with your insurance company.
If you are trying to get back to your regular life and your job, you don’t have time to properly deal with all the paperwork and phone calls that a personal injury claim entails.
Time is Precious
Don't Spend Valuable, Work Time ,Dealing With,,or Thinking ,About, Insurance ,Companies,
Don't Spend ,Valuable Work Time ,Dealing With, or Thinking About, Insurance Companies | Source
FIVE: Peace of Mind
Having someone else be responsible for the day-to-day details of your case gives you peace of mind. You do not have to worry about saying something wrong, or forgetting some detail. You can relax and know that you have someone on your side. Because your lawyer is getting a percentage of your recovery, it is in his or her interest to get as big of a recovery as possible.